vineri, 21 octombrie 2016

Last night I had a brief conversation whit my brain.
I think it interesting to read would be stringing thoughts ....

MeWHY - all ,, running'' for money?
HimBecause: never heard of a centuries-old principle:
, Cause and effect! The money will flow, just when you built the network - not vice versa!

MeWHY I would choose the business they are paid 2%, 5%, 10%, 20%, and I would not choose businesses that are paid at 100% to ... infinity?
HimBecause you're not good at arithmetic!

MeWhy I would choose the business they are paid a week, a month, a year, and I would not choose the business they are paid; INSTANT?
Himbecause, you act as an employee!

Me: Why should I choose products business and I would not copy the example of banks?
Himbecause you're acting like a salesman (mediocre - that's right)

Me: Why not choose investment business ?
Him: no investment for poor people to rich people and investment!
And you, you can not afford to take part in real investment!

Me: WHY PLAN to follow someone else and I would not devise his own plan?
Him: Hehehe! we begin to understand .....

but, wait a minute: why do you ask me, all this on: YOU?

Him because I'm your only friend!

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